Remote Production at Offbeat

Our recording and music studios are based in Edinburgh, but using files sharing technology makes music production possible well beyond Scotland – in fact, anywhere on the planet that has an internet connection.

How Does Remote Recording Work?

picture of speaker and mixing desk
Using the latest technology - we can connect with you anywhere on the planet and send full resolution files across broadband virtually in real-time. This works really well when utilising our session musicians or indeed if you want to send over vocal or instrumental performances to productions we make for you here at our studio - or vice versa. This service is also ideal for remixes.

We have been working as a remote music production service using applications like this and Dropbox with artists throughout the UK, Ireland, Europe, USA and as far afield as India and New Zealand.

This works using any music programmes (known as a DAW, or Digital Audio Workstation software).

We can work from rough demos of your ideas initially, or complete produced files using any music software programme.

Sometimes it can be as simple as providing a vocalist, guitarists, bassist or keyboard player… or indeed any instrument you may require for your otherwise complete production.

Or we can work on a complete production from scratch using ideas from a demo of your ideas. Maybe you have written your song on guitar or another instrument and you require a full production with musical accompaniment. Whatever your musical requirements we have a fully equipped music studio and the musical skills to translate your ideas into a fully fledged production.

Here’s how to help us get the best out of your work if you are sending over a remote music production that has been originally recorded in your own DAW.

When sending tracks, or stems (groups of tracks)  always start at the head of bar 1, even if the musical parts don’t occur until later in the track.

Include any tempo information, including tempo changes. As long as the tempo is set and all tracks begin at the head of bar 1 then everything will sync perfectly.

Also provide any clock information if it deviates from the normal 44.1k setting. On film projects this would typically be 48k.

© 2022 Offbeat Recording Studios. All Rights Reserved.
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